orthodontic appliances造句

"orthodontic appliances"是什么意思   


  1. Cytokines are expressed by cells within the periodontium in response to mechanical stress produced by orthodontic appliances
  2. After maxillary protraction and mandibular retraction with occipito - mental anchorage ( oma ) appliance on first stage , the patient was successfully treated with fixed orthodontic appliance with modified multiple loop edgewise archwire ( meaw ) and asymmetric elastics
    本病例报告为一12岁女孩,主诉下颚前突及偏斜,经第一阶段以功能性颚骨矫正将上颚拉出及抑制下颚骨生长;第二阶段使用全口固定式矫正装置,以改良式meaw在3 ~ 4个月内改善齿列正中线,以及修正偏斜的下颚。
  3. It's difficult to find orthodontic appliances in a sentence. 用orthodontic appliances造句挺难的


  1. "orthodontal"造句
  2. "orthodontia"造句
  3. "orthodontias"造句
  4. "orthodontic"造句
  5. "orthodontic appliance"造句
  6. "orthodontic archwires"造句
  7. "orthodontic band"造句
  8. "orthodontic braces"造句
  9. "orthodontic bracket"造句
  10. "orthodontic brackets"造句

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